Wednesday 11 June 2014

Delete Order Magento Extension at MagentoProvider

Your order list is full of cancelled orders and if you try to delete orders in the backend, you will discover that you can only put the status to “cancelled” and the order is still there.  Unfortunately, Magento doesn’t come with delete order option via administration.
To get rid of this problem MagentoProvider have developed Delete Order Magento Extension through you can easily delete datum from order list section.

Compatibility: Magento: 1.4 to1.8

·        Administrator can delete order with any status like Pending, Canceled and Complete order with no trouble

·        Administrator can select multiple orders and delete those with few clicks 

Monday 9 June 2014

Cart Pop Up Magento Extension at MagentoProvider

Cart Pop up Magento Extension 

This Extension shows your cart items at right side of header on click event. It will show and conceal recently added products with ability to remove items and go to product page.
·        User can see the cart items at any time by just one click on Top Cart.

·        User can also go to product page by clicking on any item in cart
·        User can see this top cart always on website regardless of where user is on website.
·        You can effortlessly modify the design according your theme just by modifying our supplementary CSS.

Note:  Get full technical assistance for extension installation or get it done by our experts without any cost

Cross-Sell Magento Extension Development

Cross- Sell Megnto Extension

Cross sell magento extension enable you to set up cross-sell product for multiple products to display on front hand.

Compatibility: Magento: 1.4 to1.8

  •  It allows you to set Cross-sell product for particular time duration and for particular demography.  
  • You can set up different Cross-sell products in different countries or states
  • Set multiple Cross-sell Products for multiple main products by only few clicks.
  • You can also change “how to display” Cross-sell products on front end I.e. in Grid/List mode.
    For more information please visit MagentoProvider.Com

Thursday 5 June 2014

Custom Magento Up-Sell Extension Development

Magento Up-sell extension improves magento store’s up-sell functionality. With the help of up-sell extension you can set up up-sell functionality to multiple products in just few clicks. Thus, it saves your precious time and enable to you concentrate other important work.

Compatibility: 1.4 to 1.8                         

Set up “Up-Sell” functionality to multiple products.
Set Demography (country state) and Time (date & hours)
Set a number of products & columns in up-sell section

Note:  Get full technical assistance for extension installation or get it done by our experts without any cost